Curo Inc.

C a r e e r s

We are a super-attack team, small but tremendously powerful.

Now, the CG and entertainment industry markets are rapidly expanding. In this turbulence, it’s vital to master new tools and technologies faster than anyone else. We encourage and support our artists to learn and grow professionally, reimbursing training fees (including workshops, conferences, and seminars). Don’t be a part of a factory assembly line. Enjoy a creative job in our studio!
We welcome foreign artists!

C u r r e n t
O p e n i n g s

CG artist Technical artist Programmer Project manager Producer

E m p l o y m e n t
F o r m

Full-time Contract Subcontracting

W e l f a r e
P r o g r a m

Employees' Pension Health Insurance Employment Insurance Industrial Accident Insurance

H o l i d a y s

Saturdays Sundays National Holidays Obon New Year holidays Etc.

P l u s

Transportation fees Training fees

F o r
F o r e i g n e r s

language classes

C o n t a c t
Phone Number
Email Address
© 2024 Curo Inc. All rights reserved.
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